
PROJECT FIVE: A summary of Phoenix Team Skills

A London Borough required a short-term consultancy resource to progress the next stage in its planned re-provision of day and residential services. This was to be a joint project with the PCT, and planned in the context of the outcome of a recent Best Value Review. The London Borough was the lead agency.

As part of the bid for the work this summary of Phoenix team skills was presented.
• Understanding current health and social care drivers and how these affect practice on the ground
• Participation in developing and implementing strategic change at the most senior levels in social services departments and PCTs
• Formulating strategies and development programmes for Social and Primary Care re-provision projects including the use of LIFT, PPP and traditional tendering routes.
• Partnering with local authorities, health trusts and RSL’s
• Planning and conducting consultation sessions including the imaginative presentation of clear information for residents, relatives, carers, staff and other stakeholders.
• Coordinating, managing and evaluating the political, financial, trade union, personnel and management interfaces required to develop re-provided older peoples’ registered care services
• Negotiating and mediating with local authority staff at all levels.
• Feasibility studies and appraisals (Buildings, land, finances, services)
• Capital programme investment experience
• Preparation and implementation of Assets Management Plans for public sector clients.
• Developing business plans including advice on funding routes
• Financial accounting in the public sector

Much of the work of the expert advisors was done “at distance” and members of the team only travelled to site if it was required to achieve the best outcome for their particular piece of input. An initial meeting with the commissioners of the project was however central to its success and at least three members of the team were present to cover the main aspects of the project.

The Phoenix commitment to the commissioner was that wherever possible the initial time budgets agreed would drive the contract but the right to revisit the estimates with the commissioner as the project developed was reserved.

