
PROJECT THREE: Learning Disability Joint Commissioning Agency


Phoenix was asked to propose a framework for managing and developing a joint away day event to include the main stakeholders in a Learning Disability Joint Commissioning Agency. This day was to create a context within which participants could reflect on the current strategy for moving forward, enhance and develop it where necessary and possible, and to agree action plans for its implementation. The day was seen as an opportunity to revise and renew commitment to the overall plan and reconstruct it where necessary.

In other similar situations we had found that a small amount of pre-event preparation was invaluable. This usually entailed facilitators conducting a short interview with each of the participants to gain a sense of their individual targets for the event itself. This interview also helped plan for the day and to make sure everyone’s views had been canvassed prior to the day. It is almost always the case that multi agency initiatives bring with them a rich diversity of expertise and by definition individualised goals. These differences are often viewed as problematic. We see difference as a chance for creating a wider vision and therefore a concept to be encouraged in the service of bringing a more holistic approach to complex and complicated organisational dilemmas.
The day itself

Our usual approach to this kind of event turns on the participation of all concerned. There is very little “chalk and talk” as the major expertise lies within the participant group. However as the day progresses we introduce ideas and formulas which have worked elsewhere and share our combined experience of having worked in, and consulted to, both the Health and Social Services arena.

The day was divided into various exercises with some whole group work interspersed with participants breaking into smaller dyads or triads to explore in more depth specific areas for development. The subject matter for these groups was developed from the pre-event interviews and information that emerged throughout the day. Our approach was flexible and took account of the important issues as they emerge rather than having fixed ideas prior to the event that might constrain the spontaneity of the event itself. The major focus was on creating action plans for later and perhaps more detailed, “work up”.

