PROJECT ELEVEN: Change Management Consultancy
Phoenix was invited to construct for Management Board consideration a proposal to facilitate the achievement of essential PCG goals over the next three to six months and to work co-operatively with the new Chief Executive when s/he came into post. During two joint meetings Phoenix consultants have assisted the Board Chair and Vice Chairs to identify, refine and prioritise the projects/tasks needed to be completed prior to a September 31st 1999 deadline.
The following were identified as essential:
1. Develop the Management Board’s capacity to engage all PCG stakeholders in co-ordinating and owning the work of the PCG and enhancing its ability to make productive relationships with other appropriate organisations and individuals.
2. Create a Base Line Assessment document on the PCG’s Clinical Governance policies by September 1st 1999.
3. Develop the PCG’s HimP programme. Create a three page document for MSWHA by April 31st 1999 describing Battersea PCG’s plans in relation to their local HimP’s (in the context of the MSWHA Big HimP) and subsequently to assist in the roll out/implementation phase of the PCG HimP programme.
4. Help to develop the PCG’s Primary Care Investment Plan (PCIP) and, working with the relevant PCG Lead, create/write a definitive three year plan for submission to the Health Authority by September 31st 1999.
5. Explore and identify the PCG’s Information System needs in conjunction with the PCG Board IT Lead member. Review individual PCG Board members information technology skills and provide “desk side” skill coaching where necessary.
6. Provide the Chair of the Board with mentoring and coaching support throughout the period of the project and possibly offer the same input to the incoming CEO and/or joint support for Chair and CEO together.
Role of the Phoenix Consultant
Phoenix resources were used to enhance and complement those of the PCG and its Health Authority Commissioners. Each Phoenix consultant worked closely with a PCG lead person to facilitate and support the necessary progress in each of the six identified projects. Overall direction for all the projects emerged from the Board. On occasions this “steer” reached the project via the PCG lead person whilst at other times both the PCG and Phoenix leads needed to seek direction from the Chair of the Board. Roll out capacity in the HimP and Clinical Governance projects, in the main, needed to come from within the PCG itself.