What do we believe?
The overall framework for this aspect of the companies work has similar beliefs and values to those set out under management consultancy; however the mentoring and coaching service is individually tailored and specifically driven by the needs of the person receiving the service. In addition to the whole system approach David Smallacombe (Director Phoenix Re-Solutions) uses techniques derived from a range of sources to assist individuals to achieve their potential and to overcome or breach barriers to their own development. The following are central to the success of the service:
Choice: Central to the concept of mentoring and coaching is the importance of choice. The question of choice of mentor is a very personal matter
Relationship: The mentee has to be able to identify for themselves particular qualities in the mentor, which create a “fit” for them personally.
Sustainability: Sessions are offered on the basis that they will only continue if the person receiving the service chooses to sustain and develop an ongoing relationship.
What do we do?
• We customise our input based on the issues the mentee wishes to discuss.
• Some people concentrate on specific work related matters using us as a “sounding board” for their actions within a particular work role.
• In other instances people review their own career and plan exit strategies.
• Others want advice and guidance with immediate difficulties at work such as performance or disciplinary matters.
What will you get?
• A personalised service
• A mentor who understands your situation
• A mentor with wide managerial experience
• Agreed (and limited to your needs) cost estimate
• Flexible input including location and medium for communication
Who have we done it with?
• Software Company MD
• Accountancy senior managers
• Head of Legal services
• Partners in a law practice
• Head of Finance Department
• Film Education Director
• Chair of a Primary Care Group
• Consultant Paediatricians
• Senior (managing) GPs
• Secretarial staff
• Management Consultants